Man Man

Two days passed swiftly.

The magnificent and commodious temporary manor had been cleaned up and renovated, all those dirt that had gathered in the tens of years while this temporary manor was left unused, had been cleaned out.

Ten-thousand Fire Essence Crystals had been inlaid on the walls of those different sized rooms and lobbies, the heat being emitted from them helping in dispersing the moisture and cold in the palace. Those young maids who had been walking fast across the rooms busy with their work had added a bit of liveness to this ancient and mysterious manor.

The name of the lake located under the palace was Blue Jade, and the beautiful flowers that were blooming in the lake were called 'jade string'. In accordance with the name of the lake, the temporary manor was called Blue Jade Palace. The Blue Jade Palace had been built for people that were called 'masters' by Ying Yan, for the purpose of viewing these jade string flowers.