A Difficult Situation

Five days later, beside a rapidly flowing river in the jungle.

Three Jia Clan Warriors, leading over a hundred slave warriors, had encircled Ji Hao and Man Man. The three Jia Clan warriors were holding heavy weapons, moving as fast as the wind. They had been madly attacking Ji Hao; occasionally, their attacks hit on Ji Hao's body and caused muffled, loud booms like thunder.

All of these powerful Jia Clan warriors were at the Senior level; every single attack that was launched by them was powerful enough to destroy a mountain.

However, the armour made by Po was incredibly firm. The inconspicuous dim light streams that were being emitted from it had been circling around Ji Hao, condensing into a palm-sized lotus, and was closely attached onto Ji Hao's body. No matter how powerful those heavy weapons that swung towards Ji Hao were, this lotus could turn most of the power into nothingness by only slowly rotating.