Boiling the Ocean

"Hao, good job!" Ji Xia rode on the back of the same fiery dragon as Ji Hao, and punched towards Ji Hao while he laughed.

Ji Hao laughed out loud, raised his fist and bumped his fist hard back against Ji Xia's fist, twice. He agreed that he had done a great job. The elite allied forces of the three clans had vanished, especially the old monsters like Black Water Kiu had been eliminated. This was definitely a big win.

More importantly, the Zhu Rong Country army were now moving towards the nest of the Black Water Serpent Clan, and what they were going to do next was the most important thing.

This was what mattered the most!

Ji Zhuo remained a lot calmer compared to Ji Xia. He had swallowed a couple of healing pills, after which he carefully asked Ji Hao about what had happened during his journey.