Arrow Kill

The cold and fierce wind brought snow along with it, swooshing towards Ji Hao and Taisi. From within the wind and snow, nine arrows swiftly dove down from different directions, dashing towards the vital parts of Ji Hao and Taisi's bodies.

This time, Ji Hao had released his spirit power a long time ago. His spirit power shrouded the area around Taisi and himself for miles, and therefore, once the nine arrows appeared, Ji Hao was able to distinct the flying routes of every single arrow.

"Cowardly rats! Who dares only to shoot from the back! Piss off!!" yelled Ji Hao while pulling out his long black stone dagger. Streams of fiery light instantly darted out from the dagger's edge. Ji Hao raised the dagger high up into the air and swung towards those arrows, bringing about a fiery arc. A shower of fiery sparks was thrown out along with a thunderous boom. Ji Hao's long dagger accurately hacked one of the arrows, and in the next moment, the arrow exploded abruptly.