Vicious Bugs

After burying the warriors who had fallen in the battle, the migrating troops of the Rong Mountain Clan continued with their journey.

A small troop of eight hundred slave warriors, eighteen Jia Clan warriors, and a pig-like, greedy, stupid manager of the small slave-trading group , had all been added to the migrating troops of the Rong Mountain Clan. They now were all slaves. They had been sold to the Rong Mountain Clan by Ji Hao at a very low price - one piece of leather. The tungsten steel mines within the new territory that were very hard to explore were waiting for them.

The migrating troop could move forward at the highest speed for seven hours every single day. The rest of the time was used for resting, cooking and eating. The curly-horned cattle could run for over three-hundred miles within an hour. With this speed, the migrating troop arrived at a thousand-mile round highland area.