A Magical Space

Shaosi took out a cyan-colored bone cane.

The bone cane was pure green-cyan, as bright as the sky after a storm. She gripped the bone cane and began a Maguspriest dance, executing it gracefully in the underground cave. Along with her movements, all the others felt that a certain kind of magical power started to gather from all the directions towards her.

"Such a shame that it's useless to me." Taisi looked at Shaosi with a sad expression, while crossing his arms in front of his chest and murmuring, "Abba, Amma, please bless us. Let us find something nice and useful. At least, let us find a way out."

Shaosi raised her bone cane high, along with which, a visible white beam of light appeared in the air above the head of all her teammates, except of Taisi and Shaosi herself, then silently darted into their heads. Even the two baby magic fiery snakes had each received a beam of white light.