Bug Attack

Ginger gave Ji Hao a pile of thin slips which were made from turtle shells. On those slips he had recorded his special bug puppet magic.

Ji Hao stared at the pile of slips in shock, while holding them in his hands he realized they weighed nearly nothing, then looked confused at Ginger and asked, "I heard that you, esteemed elder, don't have any apprentices?"

Ginger gave a hollow and hoarse laughter, and slowly took out a few poisonous bugs and leisurely threw into his mouth, and began chewing on them. The shells of those bugs were crushed by Ginger's teeth, letting out a series of creaking noises; it sounded like he was chewing on popcorns. He then responded in a low voice with mouth still filled with his snacks, "Well, apprentices... those kids, if you take apprentices, you'll be troubled endlessly... and if they get killed by others, you'll be sad... so, it's better to not take any apprentices."