Craft A Weapon

After taking another sip of his 'wine flavored river water', Yu Yu wiped his mouth with his sleeve, tilted his head, threw a sideways glance at Ji Hao and said, "Don't look at your handsome Shifu in that way...I'm still pretty far away from that level, I'm just much better than those Magi."

After dropping the wine calabash, Yu Yu suddenly raised both of his hands. Following this, the three treasures that came out from Ji Hao's body began shaking simultaneously, while wisps of red light began gushing out from deep inside them, before turning into twisted spell symbols and dissipating quickly in the air.

"These weapons were made huge and heavy in the first place, and have been nourished by generations of Magi's spirit blood. Just like those Magi themselves, who only pay attention to physical strength and never cultivate their souls and spirits, these magic weapons became heavier and heavier, but without even the slightest trace of spiritual power inside them."