Flying Hammer

Four Jia Clan’s big warriors carried their heavy shields, rushed up to the corpse of the Xiu Clan’s elderly man, who was killed by Ji Hao earlier, tried their bests guarding the three burning incense sticks. They all knew what Yu Mu could do, at this moment, they had to do whatever they can to keep these three life-saving incense sticks burning.

The rest of Jia Clan's warriors lined up at their highest speed into the highest-standard battle formation. Warriors in the first line straightened their large and thick shields, constructing a wall of shields; warriors in the second and third lines raised their long spears, aiming at Ji Hao and his teammates. Closely following them were warriors with heavy axes and machetes who were especially good at close combats. On both sides of the formation, archers were distributed, moving along with the main formation. These over a thousand Jia Clan's warriors who seemed to see Ji Hao and the few of his teammates as a ten-thousand people human army.