A Small Frustration


Ji Hao shouted out loudly and pointed his finger at the river bank in front of those refugees. A fierce gust of wind rose directly up from the ground, rolling tens of thousands of stones up and darting towards those flying arrows.

The metal arrows clashed against the stones, creating fiery sparks. Those stones were instantly shattered against the arrows, but the arrows deviated out of their routes, flying over the river askew.

Only over a hundred arrows managed to fly straight across the river without being bumped by those stones brought up by Ji Hao, directly piercing into the crowd of refugees.

However, Ji Hao now had no time to look after those refugees. Six heavily armored Jia Clan warriors carrying gigantic weapons easily leapt across the river and walked up to him in only a few steps. With three long swords, two huge machetes and one spear, they coordinated perfectly and accurately locked onto all the vital parts of Ji Hao’s body.