
“Are you cursing me?!” Man Man angrily waved her fists and yelled.

“Don’t you curse her!” The old tree man waved his enormous pair of arms, letting out a thunderous growl as well.

“Ao!” The leopard forcibly withheld the discomfort of the detoxing process inside his body, gritted his teeth and leapt down from between the old tree man’s branches, swiftly expanding his body to over ten-zhang long, then spurted dazzlingly sparkling lighting out of his mouth along with huge clouds of dense smoke, showing his fierce teeth to Qian Tan and his people.

“No-no-no not good!” Geng was badly frightened, couldn’t stop quivering and even sit straight on the ground. “The Qian family, the Red Wood Palace is a property of the Qian Family. Around forty percent of all Chi Ban Market’s pharmacies are related to the Qian Family!”