True Heart

Natural soil essence?

Dragon Pool shook his head and gave a scornful sneer, then kept walking away with big steps.

He knew nothing about natural soil essence. He was only an old tree growing in the forest and was nourished by nature itself; luckily, he became conscious and cultivated himself into a spirit being, a treeman. For the leopard, his only friend who had been accompanying him all the years, he was forced to leave that deep valley where he had been living peacefully, and came to the outside world.

No one had ever told him about natural soil essence, and neither did he have any interest in this thing.

“Idiot!” Song Gu roared ragingly. An even stronger life-force swiftly reaching over from underground had been injected into the Song Gu’s replication, the cypress. The big fire burning on the cypress instantly extinguished, and that cypress became taller, thicker, even showing a faint sign of becoming a real treeman.