Capture Alive

“Kid, do you still remember what you owe me? You’re dead!” Qian Tan stood on the prow of a boat, crazily waving his arms and yelling at the town with a badly twisted face. He was so furious that he was nearly leaping up from the boat, and white saliva foam was hanging on the corner of his mouth, making him look like a fierce ghost.

Ji Hao stood on the fence wall of the town, his whole body wrapped up by a raging fire while Gold Crow caws came out from his cloak.

He carefully detected the locations of those giant warships under Qian Po’s command. Hearing Qian Tan’s yells, Ji Hao pointed his finger quickly at him. Following his move, a cloud miles away slightly moved, and a water-tank size lightning bolt roared down, accurately striking Qian Tan’s body.