Nether Moon Kill

In the North, once the fight between human troops and the zombie army started, dazzling fire sparkles blew everywhere, ejecting in every direction. That endlessly great army of zombie warriors was like a roaring tsunami clapping against the shore, frantically launching attacks on the defensive line brashly built up by the human troop.

Uncountable green fireballs shot out by those pale bone towers were rampantly dashing across groups of human warriors. Along with loud wails and howls let out by human warriors, countless elite human warriors were burned into ashes. Huge holes were burned out of the ground one after another. That green, evil fire contained a strong poison. After the fire fell on the ground and died out, the poison contained in it seeped into the swamps and water veins of Evil Dragon Bay area, dyeing all water veins in this area into a faint green color. Wherever the faintly green water reached, all aquatic creatures died immediately.