A Fight Between Emperors

Yu Mu grabbed a medicine bottle that was made from a giant frog skull, forcibly opened Miao Lian’s mouth and poured the sticky, dark blue liquid drug contained in that ugly bottle into his mouth.

Streams of dirty, heavy power of the drug spread speedily inside Miao Lian’s body and soon drilled into his brain. Slight wisps of begrimed power began corroding Miao Lian’s soul, making his clear and glowing eyes turn a bit turbid.

“What the hell is this?” Miao Lian hoarsely screamed, and couldn’t help but struggle desperately.

“It’s good stuff!” Yu Mu responded with a sweet grin, “I used the venoms of over three-hundred different kinds of poisonous bugs, salivas and sperm as the main ingredients, and oil of decayed dead bodies…”