Withdraw the Troops

The sun hadn’t risen yet, and the sky was only feebly lightened.

Dense and white fog coiled among the mountains. From afar came long melodious songs, sung by magical creatures living in this mountainous area.

When the great war was being fought, these magical creatures and spirits, who were produced and nourished by nature itself, had ran far away from the battlefield. Once the war was over, these creatures that had extremely sharp and sensitive perception towards Mother Nature returned to their own habitats, singing the beautiful melodies that belonged to them.

Ji Hao stood on a giant rock with his arms crossed in front of his chest while looking at a Jia Clan big warrior furiously taking off all armors and clothes in both anger and shame. After that, this Jia Clan big warrior madly leapt and yelled around where he was standing, with only a tiny little set of underpants left covering his body.