A Female Slave

Next to a bonfire, aggrieved cries could even shake the sky.

A young girl, who had a beautiful face and dark skin, as tender and smooth as the top-quality silk, was swamped down by a tall and sturdy human warrior, whose body was covered in dense black hair that even made him look like a black bear. Both hands of the warrior were hastily scratching on the girl’s body.

The girl’s simple and rough clothes had already been ripped into rags, by now, and she could only barely cover her vital body parts with her hands.

The bear-like man gave a loud and wild laugh. Judging from the voice, the words Ji Hao heard just now were said by him. From time to time, he raised his head and yelled at the other human warriors in the surrounding, “I fought in Chi Ban Mountain, showered in blood and finally got back alive. What’s the big deal of playing a couple of women? Not to mention that these are all females of non-humankind, can they even be seen as people?”