A Heart to Heart Talk

As the morning mist suffused the open field, the group of people finally left Si Xi’s cottage.

Emperor Shun still needed to go find the leaders of those clans and do some strenuous arguments with them, trying his best to draw a satisfying end to the Chi Ban Mountain war.

Huaxu Lie and Lie Mountain Kang headed back to their own clans delightfully with their personal army troops under their leads. This time, both of them had been rewarded and attained their very own territories, and now, each of them was going to gather a batch of clansmen who were willing to pledge loyalty to them. They would then develop and construct their territories.

The thin milky white mist was attached to the ground, drifting along the wind.

From afar came gentle and beautiful singing of young girls who had gotten up early and been doing the laundry by the streams. A few streams slowly flowed across, along with waves of water clattering sounds made by those laundry girls.