Priest Corpse

The area in front of the Town Hall was now in total chaos. Hao Tao rushed out with a dark and iron-cold face while growling that he would pledge a thorough investigation about this.

Si Wen Ming’s look was now extremely ghastly as well. Right in front of the Town Hall, which was the most important government facility in Pu Ban city, and in the most central area of the alliance of human clans, hundreds of elders who committed a capital felony of rebellion had just fallen simultaneously in such a weird way. Without question, this was just like a heavy slap landed on the faces of all human beings.

The faces of clan leaders and elders were also darkened. Ragingly, they each gave out a series of orders, ordering their elite warriors to scatter in the city and to investigate anyone who looked suspicious.

Ji Hao speechlessly shook his head. The current situation was completely messy, and they hadn’t even figured out who the enemies were. A thorough investigation? How?