Bear the Blame

The rain poured down violently. A mile-wide river lost its usual gentleness and now had been crazily clapping the river banks like a mad wild buffalo. The grey-brown river water roared over rampantly, bringing up countless swirls and raising great clouds of watery mist.

By the river, a small village was already inundated by the river water by a small half, and over a hundred-thousand residents tremblingly stood on a flat area with their children, in the ice-cold river water. They were all in a daze, none of them daring to make any moves.

On the fence wall around the village, which was designed to resist beast attacks, over a hundred warriors in leather armors carried long spears and blades, watching those residents of the village while complaining.

Outside the village and in the wilderness, three small-scale armies had been facing each other from a distance.