Kua E

A five-thousand-meter tall god descended from the sky, seeming nearly as enormous as the main peak of Yao Mountain.

This god was with a green face and ferocious fangs, and in between his eyebrows, a silhouette of a mountain could be faintly seen. A pair of gigantic yellow boa coiled around his arms while a dense cloud was treading under his feet, swiftly spinning. Seen from a distance, this God looked just like a devil that came from an ancient legend, that seemed to snatch a handful of living human beings and directly throw them into his own mouth anytime.

Earl Yao’s people were all freaked out by this horrifying-looking God. Some faint-hearted elderly men had even blacked out because of the fear.

Seeing his people fall into chaos, Ji Hao hurriedly raised his pair of arms, wielded and said, “This is Kua E, a divine God. I invited him especially for helping us to build the city. You shall not be afraid, just return to your homes and do what you have to do.”