Be A Teacher

In the valley, a few elders respectfully stood in a straight line. Orderly standing behind them were eight hundred boys and girls. All those kids had now been nervously looking at Ji Hao, even holding their breaths.

The elder standing in the front had a wooden tray carried on his hands. A soft piece of leather was spread on the tray with a fist-sized glowing bead placed upon it. Within that crystal-like bead, a faint rotating cloud could be seen, with tiny spell symbols sparkling from time to time.

Ji Hao had asked Po to make this bead for him. This bead didn’t have much power or effect, yet it was able to measure the inborn power of people’s souls. These eight hundred children standing in front of Ji Hao right now were the one who had the most powerful souls among all the millions of kids in Yao Mountain territory.

“Earl Yao!” Seeing Ji Hao, the few elders hurriedly bowed and saluted to him, and the kids standing behind them all kneeled down.