
In front of Ji Hao’s vehicles, around a hundred miles away and in the woods covered in snow, four divine towers of the Yu Clan was silently hiding under the shades of trees.

A Yu Clan man, with a white, tight leather armor and a long sword, was standing in the woods with his eye narrowed, looking at the vehicles on the enormous fiery cloud. Behind him were four over five meters tall, especially strong Jia Clan warriors, standing in a straight line.

These Jia Clan warriors were wearing heavy armors and all had relaxed looks, and judging from the badges on their chests, they were from High Moon.

High Moon was different from Blood Moon. Non-humankind warriors of High Moon were all great fighters who mastered in fighting skills. On battlefields, these warriors were the most dreadful killing machines. Unlike all the other noble Yu Clan people, Yu Clan people of High Moon were actually good at close combat, especially assassination and sneak attack.