Entirely Different

Above the sky…

Everybody could see the sky. In ordinary people’ eyes, all stars were lying orderly in the sky according to some magical rule, and the sky was the limits of height one could reach.

However, in the eyes of truly powerful people, the structure of this world was completely different.

Stars in the sky, which sparkled splendidly at night and had different colors, seeming to be reachable by simply raising the hand, were only projections of real stars.

So to speak, the space where Midland and the four wastelands were located was like the yolk of an egg, while the sky was like the parting line between the yolk and the egg white. All stars were contained in the egg white as a complete system. The edge of the egg white where the eggshell was located was the parclose that parted this world from the outer space.

At the moment, Ji Hao and his friends’ location was the edge of the egg white, also the so-called ‘above the sky’.