World Hunting

Chi Feng was killed by the thunder talisman, which quieted down the entire campsite of the non-humankind.

A while later, a vehicle swooshed over from the tremendous cloud along with great, surging streams of blood-red, dark smoke. A Yu Clan elderly man stood on the vehicle, walking in front of the crowd of human beings with a weird and cold smile on his face.

"I didn’t think that you would have some small tricks to play. That was nothing, but Chi Feng, useless things like that, we have plenty of them. He was nothing." With the symbolic pride of Yu Clan people, this elderly man held his head high, sneered and said, "Barbarians, which one among you can handle things? Our respectful emissary, Lord Dishi Cha, and the twelve respectful emperors in power, have some commands for you."

Hearing this elderly man, the looks of all present elite human beings turned dark.