A Magical World

Centipede? Not a big deal. In Southern Wasteland clans, many Maguspriests ate centipedes as snacks. But a three-hundred-meter long centipede was quite rare.

Centipedes were just like snakes, classified as a one of the dragon class. In other words, when a centipede reached a certain level of cultivation, it would be able to transform into a flood dragon. If it was lucky and talented enough, it might even become a true dragon.

Normally, in the world that Ji Hao lived in, a three-hundred-meter long centipede would already show some sign of becoming a flood dragon. But this centipede roaring towards him was over a thousand meter long, yet it still remained in the shape of a centipede.

This was the first time for Ji Hao to see a centipede that was so gigantic but still not transformed into a flood dragon. It was not hard to imagine that this small world was not quite the same as the world Ji Hao lived in.