Strong Destiny

"What a scary…old kid!" On the fence wall, Man Man yelled in shock with a few fried orchid birds held in her hands.

Yu Mu stood up in shock as well and popped out his eyes, staring at Elder Destiny.

"Old kid, that’s right. He looks like a kid but is actually very old." Taisi grinned and murmured. Meanwhile, a hazy silhouette flashed across from the water-like, gray light screen behind him, instantly and silently releasing a wave of bone-piercing coldness.

The whole hundred elite Jia Clan warriors were killed. Every single one of them suffered a heavy yet traceless palm attack launched by Elder Destiny, right on the chest. That palm attack took their lives away. Their heavy and sturdy armors, strong and tough bodies, and thriving life-force, none of these had delivered any effect under Elder Destiny’s attack. Their lives were like fragile flowers, crushed into thousands of bits by Elder Destiny’s palms.