
Oddly shaped metal puppets roared ceaselessly towards Gong Sun Yuan like a tsunami. But with the help of the sword light released by Si Wen Ming, all metal puppets and Jia Clan warriors approaching Gong Sun Yuan were struck away. Taking a deep breath, Gong Sun Yuan turned around, looked at Ji Hao and Si Wen Ming and said, "Earl Yao…and brother Wen Ming, I owe you one."

While speaking, Gong Sun Yuan’s eyes sparkled brightly as he took a glance at the thirty-six large black flags. He was a bit disappointed towards Gong Gong Wuyou. Gong Gong Wuyou said that Gong Gong Family would support Gong Sun Yuan with all of their powers and help him to become the next human Emperor. But under such an emergency situation, when Gong Sun Yuan risked his own life to cover the others’ retreat, Gong Gong Wuyou did nothing but flee into Fallen Land under River Earl’s protection!