Encounter with Pan Xi

The immemorial sun streamer could burn everything while the nine suns spear could destroy the hardest thing in the world. Added to the horror was the absolute defense provided by Pan Xi mirror. Ji Hao traveled around the world with Mr. Crow, encountering over ten non-humankind troops coming to this area as reinforcements. Single handedly, Ji Hao destroyed them all.

Within a couple of days, the name and title of Ji Hao had imprinted deeply in the hearts of Yemo Sha and Yemo Tuo. Hundreds of Yu Clan people and tens of thousands of Jia Clan elite warriors were killed by Ji Hao. To the humankind, this was undoubtedly a great credit, but to Yemo Sha, who was the highest commander of the non-humankind army in this game, this was an absolute humiliation.