Fight Hard

River Earl bravely stepped up, facing Ji Hao.

Ji Hao scornfully glanced at River Earl, then turned around and growled harshly to Yemo Sha, "Yemo Sha, what is the bet between Dishi Cha and Gong Gong about?"

Yemo Sha didn’t ponder too much. Instead, he answered quickly, "Within three months, if all human beings are killed out by us, Gong Gong will destroy the entire clan of you, Earl Yao Ji Hao, by himself. Your ancestral temple will be crushed, and your bloodline will perish."

Ji Hao laughed with an ice-cold voice while turning around, glaring at River Earl.

River Earl snorted coldly while a frosty air stream rose from his entire body and thin water streams clattered under his feet. "Why are you staring at me? Ignorant little kid, you have to know, my master would do what he promised only if all human beings are killed out within three months." said River Earl.