Trap Pan Xi with a Magic Formation

Who was Pan Gu? The legendary Chaos Saint of Pan Gu world who had created the world, the ancestor of the dragon-kind, phoenix-kind, and humankind, the origin of countless creatures of Pan Gu world.

Pan Xi was just like Pan Gu?

Didn’t this mean Pan Xi was the creator of this world, the creator of everything in this world? The origin of all of great Dao of this world?

Gong Gong’s pair of eyes shone with a bright black light while wisps of watery mist puffed out from his body. "Earl Yao, don’t panic. Just step aside and watch me deal with this thing." growled Gong Gong harshly.

Following a long howl, Gong Gong transformed into a black watery mist stream, swooshed down from the sky and landed before Huaxu Lie and Lie Mountain Kong, who were still vomiting blood while desperately stepping back. He carefully looked at Pan Xi’s expressionless face, swept across Pan Xi’s slim body with greedy eyes, then pushed his palm forward against Pan Xi’s fist that came swiftly at him.