The Final Harvest

A bonfire was blazing in a valley.

Si Wen Ming, Ji Hao and his friends sat around the bonfire, leisurely drinking and chatting. Over the bonfire were a few fleshy lambs grilling, and from time to time, some of them would slice large pieces of grilled lamb, then begin chewing happily.

Things had come to a close, and they could finally relax and rest.

As far as the life-and-death game was concerned, the humankind had won. The non-humankind had made an almost perfect plan, played all kinds of tricks and even controlled the power of great Dao of Pan Xi world. But because of the unexpected factor in the form of Ji Hao, or the mysterious man hiding in Ji Hao’s spiritual space to be more precise, the humankind had actually won this game, although with some difficulties.