Return to Yao Mountain

Ji Hao stayed in Pu Ban City while forcibly restraining his anger from bursting. After preparing for a few days, a great ceremony was started in dawn. This ceremony was held especially for Pan Xi world people.

Pan Xi world was being devoured by Pan Gu world, and Pan Xi world people would become defendants of the humankind. This wasn't easy enough to be decided by a simply verbal stipulation. Dependent clans growing stronger and suppressing their suzerain, such things happened all the time in large clans in Pan Gu world. Complicated contentions for powers and profits had always been existing among human beings, not to mention these newcomers from Pan Xi world. Pan Xi world would soon be destroyed, because of which, Pan Xi world people now seemed to be obediently seeking refuge with the humankind as they had no other choice. But who could guarantee that they would stay obedient in the future?