Visiting Dark Sun

In the far north of Liang Zhu City, a magnificent, steep and black mountain range was standing toweringly on the ground.

The mountain range was hundreds of millions of miles long, extending from the west to the east, and was perfectly straight. The mountain range was formed entirely from obsidian and was tens of thousands of meter tall. It blocked the bone-piercing gale and snow that came from the north, just like a strong city wall built from black iron.

In the south side of the mountain range was a vast, rich plain area. Slowly flowing great rivers winded across this area, and the river banks were covered thickly in natural gold and jade pieces. Beautiful colorful fishes could be seen in every river, many which were even legendary.

Countless animals lived happily on the fertile grassland near these rivers. In this area, even the fiercest wild beast seemed to be retired from wildness, becoming lazy and warm, even simple and adorable.

"Jia!" "Jia!"