Xiu Clan Master

Three-hundred percent profit could make anyone take a big risk, not to mention that fact that Ji Hao offered Chi Zhan way more than three-hundred percent profit.

A group of prisoners, who were thrown into the dark cells to corrode, who were like a bunch of walking dead and had disappeared from the archives of the non-humankind long ago, who would waste a large amount of food and a great sum of money of Black Sharp Castle every single day… These wastes could be sold for a huge sum of money!

This deal was totally doable!

Chi Zhan immediately accepted Ji Hao’s request. As for whether it would harm the benefits of Yu Clan after Ji Hao purchased all those Jia Clan warriors and Xiu Clan craftsmen, Chi Zhan and people under his command would never consider. This was one of those great traditions of the Yu Clan — personal benefit could stay beyond everything else. When the benefit of the whole race was against the personal benefit, the benefit of the whole race could just go to hell!