Surprise Attack

The tremendous transparent creature was shaped like a ball, looking like an angry balloonfish. Inside his head, in that huge space, a few mermen with large numbers of thorns and fins on their backs, had been lazily floating in the waving water.

The girl rushed into this space, waving her arms while yelling. Hearing her, those muscular mermen growled towards the sky simultaneously, then moved together towards the girl.

One merman reached his hand out and attempted to grab the girl’s slim waist, while another merman impatiently reached out his tail, coiling around the girl’s tail. The other few mermen widely opened their mouth and growled out. The merman who tried to grab the girl’s waist was punched flying away by another merman, and the one who coiled his tail around the girl’s tail was slapped in the face by another merman, that made him swish far away, even bringing up a stream of light.