A Trap Among Stars

In the starry void of Pan Gu world, stars seemed to be quite close to each other, but in fact, the distance between any two stars could take one hundred times longer than the entire life of a human Senior Magus to travel across. Even with so much time, a human Senior Magus might still not be able to reach one star from another.

A gigantic ship, which had a dragon head and a phoenix tail, and was wrapped in a splendid light, was moving swiftly in the starry void of Pan Gu world. The ship was over a thousand miles long, and on both its sides, eighteen pairs of roc-wing-like, enormous golden wings had been flapping quickly, generating fierce gusts of wind. Rapidly flowing golden streams of air puffed out from these wings, pushing the ship forwards at an amazing speed, even faster than the speed of light.

This was a sky-patrolling dragon ship, a warship of the ancient heaven. Ancient divine Gods used to patrol across the whole world and awe all Pan Gu world creatures with this ship.