The Forbidden Card

Xiangshen, this name sounded normal and ordinary, but to divine Gods, it was a terrifying taboo, the evilest thing.

‘Xiang’ meant ‘offered food’ literally, while ’shen’ meant God. The literal meaning of Xiangshen was ‘offer the God as food’. Xiangshen was made from an ordinary type of herb. The herb itself was not harmful, but was highly changeable, and could deliver countless magical effects. Once, an ancient divine green God, who mastered the art of magic-medicine-concocting, made a terrifying series of drugs with Xiangshen.

This drug called Xiangshen didn’t have a recipe and a specific effect. None of its effects had a specific trigger. The recipe could change wildly, while its effects were never the same, and could be triggered by all kinds of things.