The Fire Sea Divine Palace

Wearing a vividly red long robe and cloak, Zhu Rong was stunningly handsome. His long hair fluttered without being blown by the wind, while every single hair of his was burning with a raging fire. A glowing red wine calabash was held in his left hand. At the moment, Ji Hao almost mistook Zhu Rong as Yu Yu.

Fortunately, although Zhu Rong and Yu Yu might look similar on the outside, and even their wine calabashes looked the same, Yu Yu was proud, and was far away from the secular world. He was just like a tens of thousands of years old pine tree, standing on top of the highest cliff, elegant and free, without giving even a slight little bit of worldly feeling. Zhu Rong was fierce and potent, like an erupting volcano, and also like a powerful prehistorical beast, releasing a sense of danger all the time. Therefore, Ji Hao blinked his eyes, clearly seeing Zhu Rong, who was coughing loudly.