Priest Mu Sheds Blood

When Priest Mu launched the move, his face was filled with bitterness. The strong bitterness could bring despair to anyone in the world and kill the desire of attacking of any living creature.

His pair of eyes shone with a green light, clear and flawless, and seemed to be seen through with a single glance. Yet, that pair of eyes of his also contained turbid and complicated lights, boundless, endless and faintly visible, such that no one could find any truth from those eyes.

Seeing the definite opposites, Ji Hao felt that even his soul was tearing apart. The Pan Xi divine mirror activated itself to protect Ji Hao, which was why he survived. Without the mirror, Ji Hao’s soul would have collapsed right on the spot because of the immeasurable light in Priest Mu’s eyes, and he would die immediately.