Fight the Devil

Yu Zun chuckled. That faint silhouette of hers wrapped in light cyan-colored mist, flashed across the air and approached Yu Yu swiftly.

She raised her right hand and pierced that foot-long colorful needle towards the spot between Yu Yu’s eyebrows, along with a sharp buzzing noise. The needle was even thinner than a hair, a slight beam of colorful light releasing from it. Meanwhile, Yu Zun remained chuckling.

Once Yu Zun moved, countless abnormal scenes appeared in Ji Hao’s eyesight. He saw a large number of nameless types of flowers bloom. These flowers looked as holy and pure as lotuses, yet as colorful as poppy. Petals still with their covers swayed in the air without being blown by any wind. And in these gradually blooming flowers, countless beautiful girls with jade-smooth skins had been slightly and airily twisting their bodies, exhibiting their perfect bodies.