One to Three

In the Divine Pivot Hall, Xiang Liu and Wuzhi Qi sat face to face.

A golden, round-shaped mirror floated between them. Through the mirror, Xiang Liu and Wuzhi Qi saw Ji Hao and the others tread on the golden bridge, flying swiftly like a golden dragon, with the exquisite small tower floating above their heads.

Tens of differently sized and colors dense clouds had been chasing closely after Ji Hao and the others. From those clouds, countless thunderbolts struck down on the exquisite tower like shooting stars. Yellow and black mist coiled all over the sky, taking all thunder strikes.

After each thunderbolt blast, the surrounding air would twist and shake slightly, and the surrounding buildings would vibrate. Occasionally, a few thunderbolts would miss their target and strike on a building. The defense of the building would then be triggered, and a large cloud of glowing mist would rise into the sky, looking quite splendid and eye-catching.