The Miserable Situation After the Disaster

Ji Hao left a troop to help those poisoned magic formation artists under Yao Meng’s command. Then, he grabbed the neck of Si Water God, with Yao Meng dragging that giant octopus, and headed to Si Water City.

Si Water God had been murmuring all the way. This entire area was under the government of his Si Water River. Therefore, wherever Ji Hao brought him to, the flood silently drew back into rivers and stopped surging rampantly.

After half a day, they arrived at Si Water City. Or in other words, they came to the ruins of Si Water City.

Si Water City had disappeared already. This city was built by Yao Meng’s grandfather, his father and himself, with countless efforts. It occupied a large fertile alluvial plain near Si Water River, which was rich in many types of natural resources. But now, this great city had become a giant pit.

The whole Si Water City and millions of meters squared fertile farmlands around it had sunk down, turning into a bottomless pit.