Destructive Weapon

The essence sun fire was like all types of fire contained in the few supreme treasures that belonged to Ji Hao, with an extremely positive nature. It could destroy anything in the world, yet it could also generate an inexhaustible power of creation.

The extremely negative power was cold and soft, and was the extreme of all negative powers in the world. In a good way, the extremely negative power could also nourish everything in the world and deliver the power of creation, but in an evil way, it was cold and destructive, and could perish any living creature in the world.

The dark killing flags contained the extremely negative power. The dark soul cauldron turned countless souls into evil ghosts, and what was extracted by the dark killing flags was only a slight little part of the extremely negative power of those evil ghosts.

Ji Hao was never a good namer, so he named that as Dark Cold strike. Just now, what landed on Yemo Tian’s body was nothing else but a Dark Cold strike.