
For Eastern Wasteland archers, ninety percent of their powers and abilities were based on their bows and arrows. Without bows and arrows, Eastern Wasteland archers would be like tigers without claws and teeth, simply powerless. The bows and arrows of all Eastern Wasteland archers on the scene were taken away by the Taiji creation cauldron, this made them glance at each other in panic, without being able to say a word.

Ji Hao trod on that cloud and slowly took out an amazingly pure, valuable metal piece from the cauldron, along with a large number of dragon tendons, flood dragon tendons, dragon horns, horns of other legendary powerful creatures, and many other rare materials.

"Thank you!" Ji Hao cupped his hands to over a-hundred-thousand Eastern Wasteland archers, grinned and said blandly, "Piss off… or, do you all want to die in here?"