Chaos Monster

Once that tiny multicolored bead showed up, millions of hair-like yet extremely sharp lasers were emitted. The lasers struck on the light screen created by Priest Dachi’s magic talisman, making the clear and warm light screen quake like a soft sponge. Pieces of that light screen were sliced quickly off by those dagger-like laser beams.

The light screen disappeared a hundred times faster than Ji Hao estimated. After a couple of breaths, following a popping noise, the clear and warm light screen exploded into strands of mist and dissipated in the air.

Si Xi, Yemo Shanye had just woken themselves up from their illusions. But all of a sudden, beams of laser struck on their bodies. They paused while a faint, seven-colored layer of light covered their bodies. Then, they each showed happiness or sadness on their faces, while softly fell back to the ground without being able to stand up, just like those guards.

"Boy Chen!" growled Ji Hao.