

Jade Earthworm roared towards the sky, sounding like billions of buffalos roaring together. The strong sound wave even vibrated the sky.

In the sky, dark and purple clouds moved swiftly like running horses, transforming into a tremendous swirl above Jade Earthworm’s head. After the prehistorical ended, the natural laws changed, and human beings became the owners of the fortune of the world. Chaos monsters were not allowed to show up in the world anymore!

Jade Earthworm released a strong spirit creature power, seeming ready to challenge the world. The natural will of Pan Gu world was triggered, generating a thunder trial, sending billions of bolts of divine thunder down to destroy this Chaos monster, both his body and his soul!

Lightning dazzled in the swirl of dark cloud in the sky. As the first divine thunderbolt was about to descend, a golden-purple beam of divine light rose from between Jade Earthworm’s eyebrows.