Lotuses All Over the World

Steel Bull Clan people screamed and cried out simultaneously. Almost all elderly ones, woman and children kneeled on the ground together, and started kowtowing to a hall in the middle of the village, which was the only stone building in the village.

From over a hundred miles away, Ji Hao could still hear these people tremblingly begging their so-called ‘saint’ for mercy and protection.

As for those warrior leaders, who were much stronger than their clansmen, and had acted so arrogantly and proudly in front of Ji Hao just now, were now like wild dogs which were scared to death. They kneeled to Water Lotus with pale faces, kowtowing to him without an end and begging to save their lives.

"Steel Bull Clan just doesn’t have backbones!" Man Man carried her pair of hammers, shaking her head hard as she said, "Eh, such a weak-kneed clan. If they were in Southern Wasteland, no clan would be willing to marry their girls to Steel Bull Clan men!"