Food Crisis

At night, the sound of waves attacking the great defensive magic formation of Pu Ban City, wave after wave, made people anxious, and want nothing but to throw up.

In Ji Hao’s garden, tens of thousands of specially crafted beast oil torches floated in midair. Around the garden, a troop of flying bear knights, who were sent over by Si Wen Ming as emergency reinforcements, mounted on their fierce-looking flying bears, expressionlessly guarding the whole area.

Earlier this day, over six-hundred-thousand people from Iron Tiger Clan and Gale Fox Clan launched a sudden attack on the storehouse area in Ji Hao’s garden, and nearly broke the defense of that area. But at the moment, these people kneeled on the ground side by side, all with pale faces, and some even shaking with fear.

Occasionally, cries of babies were heard from amongst the crowd of people, but soon turned muffled and unclear. Apparently, their parents covered their mouths and stopped them from crying out loud.