Five Lands Back into One

Mr. Crow spread his wings as he floated in the sky. His feathers had turned golden, with dazzling Gold Crow fire swooshing out from ever single feather of his, warming the earth like a smaller sun.

Mr. Crow proudly rolled his beady eyeballs. From time to time, he threw side glances at a few winged dragons lying on the ground, hundreds of meters away. Those blood-red eyes of Mr. Crow were filled with unfriendliness. His Gold Crow bloodline was activated, and the memories that belonged to his ancestors were activated along with the bloodline. Gold Crows never had a good relationship with the dragon-kind.

The few winged dragons smartly raised their heads, turned around, and stared at Mr. Crow, letting out heavy breaths from their nostrils.

If Ji Hao weren’t standing on Mr. Crow’s head, these few winged dragons would certainly rush up together and teach this Gold Crow a lesson.